Mischief’s new play The Comedy About Spies has announced the full cast for the upcoming West End production. The comedy play is set to open at the Noël Coward Theatre on 14 April 2025.
The new play is written by the team behind The Play That Goes Wrong and The Comedy About a Bank Robbery.
The cast will include original Mischief company members Dave Hearn, Chris Leask, Henry Lewis, Charlie Russell, Henry Shields, Greg Tannahill and Nancy Zamit. They will in addition appear alongside Adele James, in her Mischief debut.
Written by Lewis and Shields, The Comedy About Spies is a farse set in 1960s London. It follows a British agent who plans to steal a top secret file. Chaos ensues when spies from the CIA and the KGB come together to track down the stolen socuments. The plot thickens when a British couple arrive and an actor audietion to be the next James Bond.
With direction by Matt Di Carlo, The Comedy About Spies will open in Spring next year. Before then you can get your Mischeif dose by booking tickets for The Play That Goes Wrong. Currently playing at the Duchess Theatre. Book tickets online via the LSBO website or at our box office in Leicester Square
Keep an eye out for further announcements here with LSBO News.