The Award-winning production of Stranger Things: The First Shadow is on its way to Broadway. The stage show is a...
The upcoming West End production of The Duchess (Of Malfi) has announced additional casting. As previously announced the play is...
Lily Collins (Emily in Paris) and Álvaro Morte (Money Heist) are set to star in the brand new play Barcelona,...
Award-winning director Jamie Lloyd (Sunset Boulevard, Romeo and Juliet) is set to direct a season of Shakespeare plays at Theatre...
If you're looking for the perfect top 5 family shows to take the family to this Summer then look no...
How many theatres are there in the West End? There are a total of 39 theatres in the West End...
Matilda the Musical is now entering its 13th year at the West End’s Cambridge Theatre and from September the show...
The West End production Back to the Future: The Musical welcomes some brand new faces to the cast. The Award-winning...
The musical theatre event returns to the Royal Abert Hall this September with performances from leading cast members and the...
It has been announced that Les Misérables will welcome Jac Yarrow and Bonnie Langford to their West End cast for...